
The purpose of FAIR project is to respond to the strong need for capacity-building in partner universities for energy poverty alleviation that will support the increasing urbanization rates of South Africa and contribute to the energy accessibility of the energy-poor homes in rural off-grid communities.

It proposes a methodology for the design of MSc Curricula that promotes a shift from degree-focused qualification to competence-based qualification. In this context, the consortium transfers significant know how from the European Educational System that is used by the partner country Institutions to design an advanced, practical-based MSc Curriculum for Energy Poverty Alleviation Technologies. The absence of such a degree makes the need for its design and introduction pressing, and the consortium envisages that this effort will spearhead similar endeavours in other African countries.

The specific objectives of the proposal are to:
– Develop new specialized curricula / innovative MSc programme on Energy Poverty Alleviation Technologies, thus helping build the capacity of the SA HEIs
– Establish viable synergies and links with the SA Energy industry in order to address their needs in Energy Poverty Alleviation Technologies
– Reinforce the infrastructure of the SA HEIs by establishing FAIR Laboratories and the capacity of the SA HEIs by training their academic staff in the new courses and appropriate delivery methods
– Improve energy supply and energy efficiency at community level
– Stimulate greater human connectivity through the exchange of students and staff
– Raise and enhance awareness of both on and off-grid urban and rural populations on potential solutions to household energy poverty
– Support local, regional and national cooperation and mutual learning on tackling energy poverty among policymakers and key stakeholders